
Some things cross my mind. What if, hypothetically, you have the power and resources to dominate the world? how would you do it? what will be in your playbook so it will not create much resistance from the people? who would be in your circle? the elites? the 1% of the 1%? is that why they create these secret societies? What is the club of rome? agenda 21/2030? and maybe disguise it as International Organisation? like UN?

Is controlling the politicians and leaders of sovereign countries one of your strategies? what if they disobey? What if they can’t be bought? Smear campaign? blackmail? assassinate? regime change? invasion? economic hit job? forced recession?

Will you also be controlling the mainstream media and flow of information? To suppress opposing views? control the internet? What is operation mockingbird? mass hypnotism? plant corrupt ideologies? push certain narrative down people's throat? and create false idols for the people to 'worship'? excessive entertainment? exploit sexuality? Paint or hide certain pictures? Control thought? Control words? Political correctness? Social justice, rights and freedoms as their slogans?

How about education system? would you also be interested to shape the mind of the earthling? how? secularise the thoughts with atheistic worldview? corrode the religious beliefs? by telling them to be obedient? trust the authority without questioning? believe and be faithful to "science"? make them smart enough to work, but dumb enough to not think for themselves?

What about strong community and family values that may hinder your total control? liberalisation, maybe? progressive movement? Divide and conquer? break the family foundation? push and propagate 'equality'? dishonor motherhood and home makers? Glorify the so-called strong, independent career women? ‘Enslave’ women with materialism, under disguise of empowerment? Let them be as evil as men? Who created the feminist movement? Are women happier now than they did before? discourage traditional relationship? promote promiscuity and abnormal sexual orientation? LGBTQ+?

How would you get supports, buy ins & more funding from all the countries? fight common enemies or problems? global catastrophe? climate change? tax the people to provide solution? how bout from time to time, create  worldwide pandemic? a pandemic so great, it bring down the world to its knee? killing off people's livelihood? but would you test it before hand? maybe like the 'event 201'? just weeks before the first reported case of the pandemic? Is there such thing as coincident?

What about technologies? what'd you do about it? get more people living virtually? connect and upload their entire life? for monitoring? What is DARPA/lifelog? why the latest innovations focusing heavily on telecoms? Internet of things? IR 4.0? is 5G safe? why the protest over its health hazard? what is the effect of 5G radiations on human health? what about fintech? why push for cashless? virtual properties or money easy to steal and wipe out? even more so now with the virus?

In major religions like Islam and Christianity, we were foretold about the upcoming of the anti-Christ (dajjal). As muslim we were also told about the coming of Al-Mahdi and then the return of Prophet Isa ‘Alaihissalam. Who is on which sides? So, who are preparing for these comings? Are all these parts of the plan to prepare for the comings? Are we living in the episodes which will lead to the final chapter?

What theories (conspiracy or otherwise) are out there to try to explain all these? Who gives them power to do evil stuffs? Divine or devil? What does God want? What does Devil want? Sacrifice? What is the best sacrifice? Human blood? Never ending war and killings? Adult or infants? Who is Moloch? How do they ensure continuous supply of human or infants? Illegal immigration and human trafficking? Who oppose for stricter border control? Who propose for mass and legal late term even to point of birth abortion? How many kids reported missing each year? What do they do with them? Is there such thing as baby farms? Is the story about US Navy rescuing more than 2000 kids caged underground real? What’s frazzledrip? What is adrenochrome? Who is taking it? Look up the ‘black eye club’? which lab produces a synthetic one? Tainted with a particular virus?

Just some questions to fill our time during at home during this time. Hehe. Its like playing a really massive puzzle. Even if we do not believe any of these, its good to look what the ‘picture’ is and maybe learn new things along the way.

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